How to care for your succulents

How to care for your succulents

  • Succulents need at least 3 hours of direct sunlight daily
  • Morning sun is preferable, as afternoon sun can be too harsh
  • Too much sun can damage succulents and cause sunburn or a washed out color
  • In hot climates, it is best to keep succulents in areas with filtered sunlight
  • Succulents that do not receive enough sun may grow tall or reach towards the sun, and may change color
  • Succulents store water in their leaves or stems and do not need frequent watering
  • Water succulents when the soil is dry, soaking the soil and waiting until it is dry again before watering
  • Most succulents need to be watered once a week, but this can vary based on climate and soil conditions
  • It is better to underwater rather than overwater if you are unsure of how often to water
  • Avoid letting the roots stay wet for long periods of time to prevent rot, which can be identified by black, mushy leaves and mold growth.
  • Well-draining soil is essential for succulents as too much moisture can cause rot
  • Succulent roots absorb water from the air, making well-draining soil important
  • Use cactus mix potting soil or a homemade mixture of stone pebbles, wood mulch, and clay pebbles for well-draining soil
  • The stone pebbles in the homemade mixture create pockets for water to drain, while the mulch and clay slowly release moisture to the roots.
One of the excellent qualities of succulents is their ability to propagate easily. You can often start a new plant from leaf or a plant cutting. Some types of succulents propagate better from a cutting rather than a leaf. The succulents with the thick, fleshy leaves are best suited to leaf propagation. 

  • Use a gentle twist to remove a leaf for propagation, or use scissors or pruning shears to cut off a stem above a leaf for cuttings
  • Allow the end of the leaf or cutting to dry and scab over before planting
  • Plant the cutting or lay the leaf on top of soil and mist with water when the soil is dry
  • Roots should appear within 4 to 6 weeks, at which point they should be covered with soil to prevent drying out
  • Propagation may take up to a year for the new plant to fully grow
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